Category Archives: Personal Injury

Road Accident Caused by Overgrown Hedges Obscuring View

Road Accident Caused by Overgrown Hedges Obscuring View

The Court of Appeal in the case of Sumner v Colborne (defendant) and (1) Denbighshire County Council and (2) The Welsh Ministers (part 20 defendants) [2018] EWCA CIV 1006  have upheld a decision of the High Court striking out contribution proceedings against the part 20 defendants and have confirmed that neither the Council nor The… Continue Reading

Crazy Golf Accident

Crazy Golf Accident

A nine year old child who was injured by his 10 year old friend at a crazy golf birthday party has succeeded in pursuing a claim for his injuries against the amusement park owner and the parent of the child hosting the party. In the case of the Bosworth Water Trust v SSR and others… Continue Reading

Innocent Bystander Injured During a Police Arrest – Can She Sue for Her Injuries?

Innocent Bystander Injured During a Police Arrest – Can She Sue for Her Injuries?

The Supreme Court judgment in the case of Robinson v Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police [2018] UKSC 4 takes us on a tour through the history and principles of the tort of negligence. The Judgment is well worth a read for a review and consideration of the general principles applicable to a negligence claim.… Continue Reading

Pursuing a personal injury claim after expiry of the 3 year statutory time limit

Pursuing a personal injury claim after expiry of the 3 year statutory time limit

Under the Limitation Act 1980 an injured Claimant has three years in which to commence legal proceedings to pursue a claim. Claims often settle by negotiation before the expiry of three year period and in those cases it is not necessary to issue Court proceedings.   When does the three year period commence? The rule… Continue Reading


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