Mesothelioma Claim

Mesothelioma Claim

The difficulty of pursuing a mesothelioma claim in respect of work carried out many decades ago is highlighted in the recent decision of the High Court in the case of Alan Hawkes (executor of the estate of Mrs Doris Helen Hawkes) v Warmex Limited [2018] EWHC 205 (QB). Judgment was given on 8 February 2018.… Continue Reading

Government to review PIP payments following High Court Decision

Government to review PIP payments following High Court Decision

A High Court decision on 21 December 2017 in the matter of RF v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions [2017] EWHC 3375 (Admin) granted permission to seek a judicial review against the introduction of changes which affected higher (enhanced rate) disability benefit payments for claimants with mental health conditions. Paragraph 2(4) of the… Continue Reading

How Responsible is an Employer for its Employees?

How Responsible is an Employer for its Employees?

The High Court has recently decided that a company can be held liable for the criminal actions of a rogue employee who discloses personal information about other employees on the internet. This was decided following a claim brought against the supermarket, Morrisons. (Various Claimants v WM Morrisons Supermarkets PLC [2017] EWHC 3113 (QB)). On 12… Continue Reading

Pursuing a personal injury claim after expiry of the 3 year statutory time limit

Pursuing a personal injury claim after expiry of the 3 year statutory time limit

Under the Limitation Act 1980 an injured Claimant has three years in which to commence legal proceedings to pursue a claim. Claims often settle by negotiation before the expiry of three year period and in those cases it is not necessary to issue Court proceedings.   When does the three year period commence? The rule… Continue Reading

Should a Council be Responsible for the Conduct of its Foster Carers?

Should a Council be Responsible for the Conduct of its Foster Carers?

It is known in legal terms as vicarious liability. Commonly it exists in the employment relationship. A worker does something wrong, is negligent and as a result someone is injured. The company will be responsible for the employees conduct and  will compensate (through its insurers) the injured person. There are good reasons for this. The… Continue Reading


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