Cycling casualties have risen in recent years as the number of cyclists on our roads has increased.
- Around 75% of fatal or serious cyclist accidents occur in urban areas, where most cycling takes place, but around half of cyclist fatalities occur on rural roads;
- 75% happen at, or near, a road junction, with roundabouts being particularly dangerous junctions for cyclists;
- 80% occur in daylight, but are more likely to be fatal in the dark;
- 80% of cyclist casualties are male
- About 16% of serious cycling accidents reported to the police do not involve a collision with another vehicle;
- In collisions involving a cyclist and another vehicle the most common contributory factor attributed to the driver of the other vehicle is “failed to look properly” especially at junctions”;
- Limb injuries are common in cyclist casualties, with over 40% suffering arm injuries and around 25% suffering leg injuries;
- HGV’s are especially dangerous for cyclists particularly when an HGV is turning left at a junction.
(ROSPA October 2015)
If you suffer an accident whilst cycling then do the following:
- Get yourself off the road and to a safe place;
- If you are injured, call an ambulance or seek medical attention as soon as you can.
- Consider asking the police to attend the accident scene;
- If a car driver is involved, get the driver’s full name and address, the car registration and insurance details. If the driver won’t give all of their details then report the incident to the police;
- Get details of any witnesses;
- If you come off your bike because of a road defect, such as pothole, you should take photographs of the defect and measure it. Report it to the Highways Authority;
- Do not be forced into making any admissions at the accident scene or sign any paper handed to you;
- Take photographs of any bruising or cuts before they fade.
- Remember that a claim for personal injury must be brought within three years of the accident.
Contact us for professional advice if you have had an accident whilst cycling.
See our blog about potholes and cycling accidents